Thursday, August 21, 2008

Jack Selzer "The Composing Process of an Engineer"

1. Why did Selzer want to study how an engineer writes?

Selzer decided to study how an engineer writes because he felt that little research had been done on scientists, engineers, and other professionals who are not necessarily classified as professional writers. Selzer felt that by completing this research, he could help to discover methods for teachers to instruct students on how to write in a scientific environment, and therefore better prepare students for future occupations.

2. What did you find interesting/unique/suprising about Selzer's answer to the question of how engineers plan, arrange, write, and revise? How did Selzer convince you he was correct or on target?

I found it interesting how Selzer discovered how Nelson refered to and incorporated previously completed works into new projects and proposals. I also thought it was interesting how little revising Nelson did aftre completeing his work.
Selzer's arguement is convincing because he thoroughly explains his procedure and methods for investigating the writing process of an engineer. He then goes on to explain how he carried out his procedure and how his results reflected his earlier opinions.

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